Fishing joy

    2022年八月,Alligator Gar这一物种成为中国网络上的焦点,媒体声称其是高危外来水生物,攻击性极强.引起热议.即使鳄雀鳝被官方合法引进已经有四十年的历史,中国的气候条件也并不会让其造成所谓的生物入侵严重后果。但关于它的危害新闻在一时间层出不穷.让这个舆论发酵到顶点的事件是河南汝州政府为了抓补这条鱼将湖水抽干,并全程直播.我以这个荒唐的事件为蓝本重现这场“围剿”.

In August 2022, the species of alligator gar became a hot topic on the Chinese internet, with the media claiming that it was a high-risk exotic aquatic creature that was extremely aggressive. It has aroused heated debate. Even though alligator gar has been officially and legally introduced for forty years, the climatic conditions in China do not allow it to cause the serious consequences of a so-called biological invasion. But news of its dangers has been sprung up during that time. The event that brought the controversy to climax was when the government of Ruzhou, Henan Province, drained the lake to catch the fish and broadcast the whole process live. This event is so absurd that I want to recreate the 'siege' based on it.